About SafeZones

Undergraduate SafeZones is a peer facilitation group that educates and fosters discussion around LGBTQIA* issues in order to promote the development of a more open and inclusive university community. We have trained a variety of groups and communities on campus, including freshman floors, RAs, Greek Life organizations, sports teams, Pre-Orientation programs, and several others. Check out our FAQ to learn more!

So how do you become SafeZones trained?
If you are interested in an undergraduate SafeZones Training, click here!

Additionally, if you’re an undergraduate interested in attending a workshop, each semester SafeZones plans at least one Open Ally workshop open to any WashU student. Be on the lookout for updates on when those dates will be!

Questions? Comments? Concerns?


For faculty and staff SafeZones trainings, please contact Anna Shabsin at ashabsin@wustl.edu

Are you a member of SafeZones? Login here.